Rotary International
At Rotary International I have had the opportunity to work on amazing projects that are culturally relevant in different regions of the world and consistent across multiple languages. Supporting Rotary clubs in their efforts to make positive change brings meaning to social good design.
Programs of Scale winner announcement ads in multiple languages
email banners, social graphics, and other support graphics
Programs of Scale - style guidelines
Hamburg convention brochure - large format
Rotary Service Learning course announcement graphics
global membership events - graphic used to differentiate each type of event
ad options for a PSA campaign
cross-channel campaign advertising customizable postcards
customizable postcards for clubs to promote youth programs globally
social campaign for young leaders to register their clubs - most successful campaign of the year
Rotaract Handbook - programs for young leaders
language versions for the handbook
Bangkok convention brochure
convention booth graphics
convention materials in multiple languages
carousel facebook ads
event graphics
icon set for Rotary Brand Center
van wrap
bike kit